2025 Summer Cooking Camps

One week camps: June 9th – July 25th

Morning only: 9:00 AM – 12:00 noon, or Full day: 9:00 AM to 3:00PM

Separate weeks & camps for ages 7 – 10 and 11 – 14

Sign your budding chef up for cooking camp over summer break at the Ohlsen Foods’ kitchen in Soquel (address in the footer below). We will be hosting three different themed sessions throughout June & July. Sessions are five days long. We offer a morning session, starting at 9:00AM and ending at 12:00PM, or your camper can stay for a full day from 9:00AM to 3:00PM. In both sessions, chefs will have the chance to enjoy the food that they are preparing for lunch. Full day sessions will include more recipes and activities, sometimes with the opportunity to take home creations. Each session theme will have one week for students between the ages of 7 – 10, and a second week for students between the ages of 11 – 14.

Hands-on Classes

Learn how to read and follow recipes. Master classic techniques. Understand kitchen and food safety. Explore presentation. Staff/student ratio no more than 1:10.

Explore Flavors

Learn about different cultures through their cuisine. Try new flavors!

Learn from the Pros

Sessions are lead by professionally trained chefs with experience in the industry. They have hands-on teaching experience and love sharing their passion for food with students.

Session I - American Regional

Let’s explore America, one bite at a time! The United States first developed as distinct regions isolated from one another, much like individual countries. To this day, certain locations are known for their regional cuisine. We will focus on cuisines and ingredients from coast to coast, while learning how to follow recipes, understand classic techniques, presentation, work cleanly and safely in the kitchen, and explore new foods and flavors. 5 days, 3 or 6 hours / day

  • Mon, June 9 - Fri, June 13
  • Ages 7 – 10
  • Morning Session 9:00AM - 12:00PM, $350 tuition and $75 materials fee
  • Full Session 9:00AM - 3:00PM, $475 tuition and $75 materials fee
  • Register before May 15th for $30 discount/camp
  • Lunch provided
  • Mon, June 16 - Fri, June 20
  • Ages 11 – 14
  • Morning Session 9:00AM - 12:00PM, $350 tuition and $75 materials fee
  • Full Session 9:00AM - 3:00PM, $475 tuition and $75 materials fee
  • Register before May 15th for $30 discount/camp
  • Lunch provided

Session II - Around the World, Part 1

Travel the world through your taste buds and get to know the cuisines that inspire the globe. We’ll explore dishes from India, Japan, Italy, Mexico and England during this week long camp. We will focus on cuisines and ingredients from these countries, while learning how to follow recipes, understand classic techniques, presentation, work cleanly and safely in the kitchen, and explore new foods and flavors. 5 days, 3 or 6 hours / day

  • Mon, June 23 - Fri, June 27
  • Ages 7 – 10
  • Morning Session 9:00AM - 12:00PM, $350 tuition and $75 materials fee
  • Full Session 9:00AM - 3:00PM, $475 tuition and $75 materials fee
  • Register before May 15th for $30 discount/camp
  • Lunch provided
  • Mon, July 7 - Fri, July 11
  • Ages 11 – 14
  • Morning Session 9:00AM - 12:00PM, $350 tuition and $75 materials fee
  • Full Session 9:00AM - 3:00PM, $475 tuition and $75 materials fee
  • Register before May 15th for $30 discount/camp
  • Lunch provided

Session III - Around the World, Part 2

Note: Part 1 is not a prerequisite to attending this camp. We continue to travel the world in this camp. Students who have not taken Part 1 will learn how to follow recipes, understand classic techniques, presentation, work cleanly and safely in the kitchen. All students will explore dishes from France, Thailand, Colombia, Ireland and Greece during this week long camp. We will focus on cuisines and ingredients from these countries, while exploring new foods and flavors. 5 days, 3 or 6 hours / day

  • Mon, July 14 - Fri, July 18
  • Ages 7 – 10
  • Morning Session 9:00AM - 12:00PM, $350 tuition and $75 materials fee
  • Full Session 9:00AM - 3:00PM, $475 tuition and $75 materials fee
  • Register before May 15th for $30 discount/camp
  • Lunch provided
  • Mon, July 21 - Fri, July 25
  • Ages 11 – 14
  • Morning Session 9:00AM - 12:00PM, $350 tuition and $75 materials fee
  • Full Session 9:00AM - 3:00PM, $475 tuition and $75 materials fee
  • Register before May 15th for $30 discount/camp
  • Lunch provided

The Details

Dress appropriately for cooking in a kitchen. This means:

  • Long pants – covering all exposed skin on your legs
  • Comfortable, closed toe shoes (with non-skid soles if possible) – no sandals or flip-flops
  • Shirts with a short sleeve – no sleeveless tops
  • Hair tie or hat/cap to hold your hair in place

Classes are limited to a maximum of 20 students to ensure an appropriate staff to student ratio (max 1:10). We have a no cellphone policy while classes are in session. Phones brought into the kitchen will be placed in a common area for collection at the end of class. A contact number will be provided if you need to reach your child in an emergency during class.

Lunch is included with the classes as part of your materials fee and will be a product of the lesson plan for the day. Please send a reusable water bottle with your child, we can refill it as needed throughout the day. We will set aside time during class for breaks.

Allergies – If your child has any food or contact allergies, please let us know before registering. We can hold your place and confirm that we are able to accommodate the allergy concern.

Payments & Cancellations – Payment for registration and materials fees is due upon registration. A service fee of 10% will be charged for cancellations received up to two weeks prior to the start of each camp. No refunds will be offered for cancellations within the two weeks before the start of camp through the end of camp. Refunds or make-up days are not offered for missed days in camp. Camp registration may optionally be transferred to another date, one time, based on availability. Transfers must be made more than two weeks prior to the original camp date or the camp date being transferred to.

While we would hate to cancel a camp, we reserve the right to do so if a camp has very low enrollment or other serious circumstances that warrant closure. If we do have to take that drastic measure, we will notify you as soon as possible and you will receive a refund of any unused camp days or offer priority transfers to another camp session.

About our Chef

Chef Amanda

As the former Executive Chef of a local non profit, Amanda taught teens every day in the kitchen (among many other responsibilities!). She loves working with the youth in our community and seeing them grow their skills and confidence in the kitchen. Amanda has worked the line in various Bay Area restaurants and has a Culinary Arts diploma from the Art Institute. In her spare time, she enjoys working on her own cookbook, cooking with her children, and posting to her culinary Instagram page.

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